Why an African Centre For Media & Information Literacy?


There is hardly an aspect of our personal, cultural, political, economic, and social lives in Africa that remains untouched by modern communications technology. The need for young people in Africa to take active interest in media and information technology and develop a keen understanding of the impact on their lives makes an initiative like the African Centre for Media & Information Literacy (AFRICMIL) imperative.

Media and information literacy is a response to the complex, ever-changing nature of information and communication technology in an increasingly globalised world.

The African Centre for Media & Information Literacy is dedicated to a new vision of media and information literacy that will provide Africans with the skills required for effective participation in development activities, using creative media and providing opportunities for their increased positive presence in media and ICT.

AFRICMIL is a model reference point on media and information literacy on the continent. It seeks to respond to the increasingly sophisticated information and entertainment media that address us on a multi-sensory level.

With the support of organizations like UNESCO, UN Alliance of Civilizations and their partners, the African Centre on Media & Information Literacy, working with media and information literacy experts, teachers and researchers can engage students, youth, parents, and civil society, in using a “hands on” approach to teaching media, information, and advocacy skills in an engaging way.

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