Plans for Pan-African Alliance on Media and Information Literacy (PAMIL) Programme of Actions 2014-2018 (Draft)
This document is a proposition of Plans for a Pan-African Alliance on Media and Information Literacy (PAMIL) for the period 2014-2018.
I. Presentation of the Pan-African Alliance on Media and Information Literacy (PAMIL)
The PAMIL is the African regional chapter of the Global Alliance for Partnership on MIL (GAPMIL), a joint initiative of UNESCO/UNAOC, and other key stakeholders.
PAMIL was created to promote and strengthen partnership in Africa on MIL. This is only possible if it position itself as an operational structure of information, consultation, building solidarity, that is to say, experience sharing and capacity development for the benefit of all its stakeholders everywhere in Africa continent.
To do this, it has set the following objectives:
– Contribute to enable the MIL community in Africa speak as one voice;
– Contribute to the promotion and the entrenchment of MIL in Africa;
– Contribute to the strengthening of the partnerships with the public and private sector, and civil society organizations as well as other regional and international organizations on MIL.
Through the following activities:
– Promote exchanges and cooperation between the different stakeholders of PAMIL;
– Promote solidarity among all the different stakeholders of PAMIL;
– Assist the different stakeholders of PAMIL in their activities;
– Develop, capitalize and build on the experiences and good practices of the different stakeholders of PAMIL in order to strengthen their capacities;
– Serve as a framework for information, advice and exchanges in all areas of MIL for all MIL stakeholders and initiatives across Africa;
– Contribute to the creation, the consolidation and the promotion of sub-regional and national chapters of PAMIL;
– Represent the African MIL community at governmental, regional and international forums.
Through these goals and objectives, the PAMIL intends to position itself as the reference structure in terms of MIL on the African continent.
II. Key issues and challenges
The main issues and challenges can be summarized in three main areas namely:
Axis 1: “the creation and strengthening of institutional, organizational and operational capacities of PAMIL”
Axis 2: “Increasing the visibility and capacity for dialogue”
Axis 3: “Development of Programmes to support MIL initiatives and actors
The first axis “the creation and strengthening of institutional, organizational and operational capacities of PAMIL” intends to give the PAMIL material existence, an institutional anchor and an organizational level capable to meet its mission and its ambitions.
The second axis “Increasing the visibility and capacity for dialogue” materializes the use of partnership that underlies the creation of GAPMIL. It takes into account the embryonic state of its network of relations and its low financial capacity. This axis is at the heart of the efforts by PAMIL to develop cooperation and initiatives aimed at mobilizing financial resources and to increase its visibility.
The third axis «Development of Programmes to support MIL initiatives and actors” refers in a comprehensive manner to promote the development and implementation of MIL policies, strategies, programmes and projects for the sustainable development of peoples and individuals in Africa. It intends to support initiatives and strengthen the capacities of all actors (Public and Private sectors-CSO) involved in the field of MIL in Africa.
III. The main results
Activities that will be implemented will pursue the following results:
- The continental chapter of GAPMIL named PAMIL and its sub-regional and national chapters are created and their institutional, organizational and operational capacities are strengthened;
- The capacity of staff and members of the continental, sub-regional and national chapters are strengthened;
- The visibility of the PAMIL at national, regional and international levels is increased;
- Programmes are developed to support MIL initiatives and actors in the continent;
- A donors’ framework is established and enables the actions of PAMIL;
- Relations of partnership and national and international cooperation are promoted.
The main activities under this product are:
– Establish and make functional a Permanent Secretariat of PAMIL and progressively its subdivisions at the sub-regional and national levels
– Develop, adopt and implement a programme of actions and a three-year budget for PAMIL (2015-2018)
– Develop and put in place a system for planning, monitoring and evaluation of activities
– Develop and put into practice a manual of procedure for administrative, accounting and financial management for PAMIL
– Negotiate cooperation agreements with Regional Communities (AU, ECOWAS, SADC, EAC, ECCAS, etc.)
– Hold the 2nd Pan-African Media & Information Literacy Conference (2015) and every two years thereafter.