Arojah Royal Theatre presents corruption is a #wheel: A stage play by Ken Saro-Wiwa

Dear Friends,

Corruption is a #wheel, rolling from top to bottom and back up. A baton passed down from one leader to another, but to the damaging effect of our society.

Join us this January as we kick start our 2018 theatre season with #KSW’s political all satire, #thewheel at the British Council, Maitama, Abuja.

Gate fee is N3000 (Adult), N1500 (Children)

January 27 & 28. First Show (5pm) & Second show (7pm).

It is funny, witty and educating.

Please share.

You can call us on 08182005597 for ticketing, advertising and partnership.

Jerry Adesewo

Artistic Director

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