Call for nominations: UNESCO Media and Information Literacy Alliance Awards 2020

The UNESCO-led Media and Information Literacy Alliance (Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy) is calling for nominations for The UNESCO MIL Alliance Awards 2020. The Awards will recognize significant work and contributions in the field of media and information literacy (MIL) and will honour individuals or organizations who have demonstrated excellence and leadership in integrating MIL into their activities and practice on a local or global level. 

Work in any area or sector can be recognized, as long as the activities reflect application of MIL concepts in education, research, policy, advocacy, and in the communication, information, and technology industries (including cultural industries) as well as to development in general.

Deadline for submissions: 28 September 2020. Nominations should be submitted here.
More details about the Awards are available on the Global MIL Week 2020 website.

Resisting Disinfodemic: Media and Information Literacy for everyone and by everyone 

The present COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the indispensability of MIL to empower people to self-protect against the ‘disinfodemic’ connected to this crisis and beyond. Global MIL Week 2020 is organized in this particular context and addresses the theme Resisting Disinfodemic: Media and Information Literacy for everyone and by everyone. Several social and economic problems have arisen from this crisis, and have been amplified in the digital sphere, leading to a growing phenomenon of misinformation, racial discrimination and the spread of rumors or conspiracy theory. MIL can help to address these challenges. MIL works to empower the receivers and creators of information, which is everyone. It is a vital competence if people are to differentiate between information and disinformation and to know how and where they can locate trustworthy sources of facts and informed opinion, and why it is crucial not to circulate unverified content. 

MIL provides citizens with key competencies in information, communication, and technology, to face this crisis and counter misinformation. Citizens equipped with MIL competencies are informed, engaged and empowered. There is an urgent need to rethink a long-term and systemic policy response to disinformation on a national and international level for both access to information and education policy and practices in light of the disruption of disinformation. 

The annual Global MIL Week 2020 celebration is an opportunity to address important questions about the role of each actor in society and the change towards which MIL should aim? 

How can policymakers, educators, learners, librarians, public servants, media, NGOs, technological intermediaries, other private sector actors, etc., contribute to reinforce related challenges such as gender biases, inequalities, and socio-economic divisions of all forms? Utilizing the interconnectedness that exists between sectors, and embracing collaborative efforts, will help to realize the goal of “MIL for everyone and by everyone.”

Online Award Ceremony 

As tradition dictates, The MIL Alliance Awards 2020 will be presented at Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2020 online Feature Conference on October 24-31. Winners will be connected to the event via remote participation. 

History of the Awards and winners 

The MIL Alliance Awards were established and awarded for the first time in 2015 during the Feature Conference of the fourth Global MIL Week held in Philadelphia, USA. Last year’s winners can be found here. Please see the list of winners of the four previous editions on the GAPMIL website.

About The UNESCO MIL Alliance

The MIL Alliance (GAPMIL) is a groundbreaking effort initiated by UNESCO and partners to promote international cooperation to ensure that all citizens have access to MIL competencies. It currently has over 400 member organizations from over 110 countries. This pioneering initiative was launched during the Global Forum for Partnerships on MIL that took place from 26 to 28 June 2013. For more information, please contact: Alton Grizzle,, Xu Jing,

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