Global MIL Week 2016: UNESCO calls for papers and presentations

Dear Partners, 

We are pleased to issue a call for papers and presentations for the upcoming Global MIL Week 2016. Please see below a news article in this regard. 

You can submit your paper/presentation project at: The deadline for submissions is 5 August 2016.

Evolving over four decades, the research on Media and Information Literacy (MIL) has made tremendous contribution to understanding this field. However, this is still an evolving research area. There is evidence of rapid development and great potential for growth.

This is why UNESCO is launching a call for academic papers and case study/project related presentations for the Global MIL Week 2016 feature event, the Sixth MIL and Intercultural Dialogue Conference and first General Assembly of Global Alliance for Partnerships in Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL). The aim is to stimulate a truly global dialogue and critical exchange that is taking place in a particularly challenging moment for contemporary democratic societies.

Researchers and practitioners across the world are invited to document their results, theoretical developments and case studies, as well as evidence based and testimonial accounts of MIL breakthroughs. One of the partners of the Global MIL Week initiative is its host the School of Communication and Arts at the University of São Paulo (USP). USP is celebrating its 50th Anniversary.

“It is a privilege to engage in a global intercultural dialogue led by UNESCO and to open a multi-stakeholder perspective on the effective democratization of power, wealth and knowledge” stated Professor Gilson Schwartz, representatives from this school, which is well known across Latin America for its innovations and the transformations of superior education.

A pragmatic approach and closer co-operation

A more pragmatic approach in research is important, one that can produce knowledge that can be used in everyday life, impacting the way MIL policies and strategies are developed and implemented across the world. Despite some success there is the opportunity to strengthen ties among the research community, other stakeholder implementing MIL, policy makers and the international development community. For this reason, the Global MIL week aims to connect scientific and academic sector, those practicing MIL and all other stakeholders in the field.

Topics for papers and presentations

Topics for papers and presentations are, generally, within the fields of MIL and its connection to culture and intercultural/ interreligious dialogue; media development, ICTs, freedom of expression and hate speech, Human Rights and violent extremism, education and youth, sustainable development, research, policy development etc. (detailed conference topics available here). All instructions for submitting papers and presentations are available here. UNESCO invites all stakeholders, such as academic programs, think tanks, private sector, libraries, museums and archives, media, civil society, and others, to reflect and critically advance on media and information literacy initiatives, programmes and policies.

The deadline for submissions is 5 August 2016. Papers and presentations will be selected based on relevance to the themes outlined and after assessment by a diverse scientific committee set up for the conference.

New Paradigms for Intercultural Dialogue

The Global MIL Week 2016 is organized under the theme “Media and Information Literacy: New Paradigms for Intercultural Dialogue”. It is led by UNESCO in cooperation with General Assembly of the GAPMIL, UNAOC and the Media and Information and Intercultural Dialogue (MILID) University Network.  Global MIL Week will be celebrated from 31 October to 5 November 2016 in São Paulo, Brazil. 

You can also find this article at or on the Global MIL Week 2016 official website

Kind regards, 

Xu Jing

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