MacArthur Foundation urges Nigerians to unite against corruption

The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation (MAF) has advised Nigerian youths to team up and root out corruption and other vices in order to make the country a better place.

MacArthur Foundation’s Deputy Director for Africa, Dayo Olaide, made the call at a film premiere in Abuja at the weekend.

“Nigeria can be fixed, but let there be no illusion that one person can do that. Until Nigerians all unite to say enough is enough, the fight against corruption can’t be won,” he said.

The movie titled ‘If I Am President,’ beams its light on the recklessness displayed by corrupt and sit-tight politicians, how their actions keep the masses subdued while ensuring that young vibrant politicians who do not support their ideals make no headway in competing for electoral offices.

Olaide said the proof of how wide the corruption menace has continued to wreak havoc in the country is so glaring that ignoring it spells doom for citizens.

According to him, “It doesn’t matter how much the country invests in the health, education and any other sector, as long as corruption remains or conduit pipes through which monies are siphoned are not blocked, the impact of investment can never be seen nor felt.”

He said since it was the custom of the MacArthur Foundation to support organisations and creativity geared towards making the society a better place, the Foundation threw its weight behind the production of the movie as a tool to enlighten the people about the ills of corruption in the society as it readily appeals to the sense of the audience.

He urged Nigerians, especially youths, to unite and bring on board leaders who do not see politics as a money-making venture but who have the interest of the country at heart.

Responding to questions from journalists, the producer of the movie, Bright Obassi, said the film was created to inspire Nigerians towards achieving an ideal society devoid of corruption through deliberate and concerted actions.

He said the film which is basically targeted at youths will be shown in cinemas across the country, university campuses and then uploaded on the internet.
Report by Doyin Ojosipe/AFRICMIL

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