“Media Literacy in a Digital Information Age”
It is a pleasure to announce that the 11th annual Northeast Media Literacy Conference, “Media Literacy in a Digital Information Age”, will be held on Friday, April 19, 2013 in the Rome Commons Ballroom on the UConn campus.
For the third year, we have been honored by the U.S. State Department in Washington which has included our annual conference in its renowned three week International Visitors Leadership Program. Twenty-five media leaders representing 25 nations around the world will be participating again.
The tentative list includes journalists, media professionals, government officials, and educators who teach and research social media, representing Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Bahrain, Belarus, China, Cyprus, Egypt, Estonia, Palestinian Territories, Germany, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Macedonia, Morocco, Nepal, Oman, Romania, Russia, Tunisia, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe.
The Conference includes two stimulating keynote speakers, fifteen workshops, and exhibits. The cost is again $95, with students $45. Registration includes continental breakfast, buffet lunch, handouts, discounts on ML publications, and parking fee.
Registration begins on January 2, 2013.
This website also contains a link to a Workshop Proposal Formfor those who would like to submit a proposal for a workshop – deadline January 25, 2013.
Please mark your calendar for our 11th Annual Northeast Media Literacy Conference, following up on and hopefully enhancing our ten previous highly successful annual meetings — Friday, April 19, 2013. We hope you will join us.
For more developing details on the Conference, check our website which is updated periodically, http://medialiteracy.education.uconn.edu
For further information, please contact:
Dr. Thomas B. Goodkind, Coordinator Northeast Media Literacy Conference 2013 Neag School of Education University of Connecticut, Unit 3033 Storrs, CT 06269-3033 t.goodkind@uconn.edu