The UNAOC and IOM have put together, with support from the Open Society Foundation, PLURAL+ Discussion Guides. PLURAL+ is a Youth Video Festival on Migration, Diversity and Social Inclusion. Short videos produced by youth on these very timely topics.
The guides are available in English, French, Arabic and Spanish:
They are an excellent resource for educators wanting to discuss these topics with their students.
The guides include a link to the videos on YouTube (available with subtitles on the 4 languages).
Award-Winning Youth Produced Videos on Migration, Diversity and Social Inclusion DISCUSSION GUIDES en English
Videos premiados hechos por jóvenes sobre Migración, Diversidad e Inclusión Social GUIAS DE DISCUSION en Castellano
Vidéos primées conçues par des jeunes sur la Migration, Diversité et Insertion Sociale GUIDES DE DISCUSSION en Français
فيديوات حاصلة على جوائز، من انتاج الشباب، تناقش قضايا الهجرة، التنوع والشمول الاجتماعي أدلة المناقشة Arabic
Jordi Torrent
Project Manager
Media & Information Literacy
United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC)
730 Third Avenue, 20th floor
New York, NY 10017