Understanding the role of the UK Unexplained Wealth Order in asset denial

On August 8, AFRICMIL took part in a one-day workshop on the UK Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO). The workshop was organized by the Presidential Advisory Commission Against Corruption (PACAC), in collaboration with the UK National Crime Agency (NCA) and DfID.

As a significant step in the global fight against corruption, UWO enables the UK Government query Unexplained Wealth and seize assets whose funding source cannot be explained.

The aim of the workshop was to sensitize Nigerians around the issue of the UWO and how this order can be applicable to the Nigerian context; develop knowledge and understanding of: the value a UWO plays in supporting asset denial; the impact and implications of Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) and UWO and how they influence Criminal or Civil Recovery of illicit assets; the difference between, and effect of, asset denial, asset restraint, asset confiscation and asset repatriation; and identifying, assessing, managing and responding to information identifying suspected illicit assets in the UK.

Paddy Kerr, Anti-Corruption Manager, Nigeria, from the UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA) was the resource person.

AFRICMIL was represented by Chido Onumah and Abdulaziz Abdulaziz.

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